Thursday 16 August 2012

10 Essential Hand Language Items

Planning a holiday can either be the most stressful thing in the world, or the most excited element of travelling-either way if your hand language is packed to perfection any journey however stressful will run as smoothly as the sandy beach of your chosen destination.

Although everyone has their own opinion as to what they think is important to pack in the ever so restricted hand language - there are certain things which without, any journey is incomplete and possibly troublesome. So here are some of the most common essential items carried by travelers - some obvious, some not!

It goes without saying that you should take your favourite sun protection with you! But what other items are essential on your holiday?

1.    Relevant Papers
As apparent as this may sound, it does and has happened. Under the stress of not trying to forget to pack something important the most obvious thing can easily be forgotten. Placing passports/ID/ Driving License in a visible place helps - Making sure it’s the last item packed will make it easily accessible.
2.    Tickets
No tickets, no travelling it’s as simple as that. Unless you’re Richard Branson, giving your private jets a break for the day, there’s no chance in the world of anyone getting on a plane without a boarding pass.
3.    Medicine
While this doesn't apply to everyone, for those who require medication, nothing is more important than an individual’s health - long hectic journeys can affect healthy people - be sure to have your medication on hand in case of an emergency.
4.    Converted Cash
Although the cost of exchanging money in the home country could be excessively high, it is recommended by experts to change at least enough to cover travel and transportation costs until you are settled at your destination - or even just in the case of an emergency.
5.    Mobile Phone & Adapter
Without a doubt, when travelling to a foreign country, taking a mobile phone is vital. Going abroad can be like a trip to another planet - that’s what makes it so exciting, but just as risky. The worst that can ever happen is if your phone dies! Be sure to pack an international phone adapter to help save time & effort from purchasing a new one.  
6.    Water
Lots and lots of it!! Travelling can be a tiring and an exhausting experience, so fuel up as much as you can. Don’t forget to stock up on liquids to prevent you from dehydration.
7.    Sunglasses
You set off from the disappointing dark weather in the UK, spend hours on board in a cool, dim (hopefully relaxing) atmosphere, come off the plane after having a quick nap and CRIKEY!! Exposed to overpowering extensive rays of light from what can only be called the sun - something we’re not exactly used to I guess. Where are those sunglasses? A ‘must-have’ for hot continental destinations.
8.    Puzzles/Magazines/Books
Entertainment can be restricted during a journey, so be prepared! Packing a magazine, puzzle book or even a reading book is guaranteed to keep you occupied if nothing else ‘tickles your fancy’. So bag up a back up!
9.    Refreshment Kit
Depending on the duration of the journey it may be worthwhile taking a small toiletries kit. Facial wash wipes, toothbrush, paste and moisturiser can transform an individual’s mood - if you look fresh; you’re bound to feel fresh!!
10.  Airline socks/sandals
Particularly on long haul flights, having packed a pair of airline sock or sandals can provide a relaxing break from an uncomfortable journey. Having been in your shoes for almost 3 hours or more - tired feet can do with some rest-so throw off them shoes and get cosy.

Most importantly have fun on your holiday - relax, and take your time in preparation for a well deserved break!