Wednesday 8 May 2013

Top 5 Foods for Wrinkle Free Skin

The saying ‘You are what you eat’ goes a long way. As well as the weight, the skin too indicates the state of your inner health, so if you have clear radiant skin the odds are that you’re a very healthy individual, but for someone who suffers from breakouts, acne , puffiness and dry skin it may indicate that the body is having some health problems .

When the skin begins to look dull, tired and fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear, the glow to the skin naturally disappears leaving both the face and skin looking old and exhausted. Eating certain foods can bring a major difference to help obtain a healthy, beautiful, more radiant looking skin.
This blog will help you eat your way to a healthier, beautiful, more radiant looking skin. By adding these 5 foods to your diet right away, you can help slow the ageing of your skin, fight wrinkles, and bring back that glowing skin.

1.       Green Leafy Vegetables
A rabbit diet is not only great to help lose weight but in fact contains vitamin A and Beta-carotene which will brighten up the complex of the skin whilst keeping it smooth and wrinkle free.  Kale, spinach and wheatgrass are just some examples of green vegetables that provide tons of vitamin A, this will help your skin look fresh, reduce dryness and keep your face looking bright and young.

2.       Citrus Fruit
These sour tasting fruits can offer a sweet finish to the skin. Rick in Vitamin C, Citrus fruit can help give a smooth and tight skin. Next time you shop anti-ageing crèmes notice that Vitamin C is a prime ingredient in many anti-ageing crèmes, simply because Vitamin C tightens and smoothes the skin. From the age of 35 to 40, collagen will start to break down the skin, leaving the skin very saggy, Vitamin C help rebuilds that collagen making the skin tighter and firmer.  Vitamin C can be found in all citrus foods from oranges, lemons, grapefruits even tomatoes.

3.       Berries
Berries keep your skin looking younger for longer and help fight ageing whist preventing wrinkles- particularly blueberries and blackberries.  Blueberries in fact are considered by many experts to be the highest source of anti-oxidants, which means that blueberries are very effective in targeting those free radicals that cause damage to the skin.

4.       Seeds and Nuts
Containing tons of Vitamin E, seeds and nuts will give you that young and soft skin. Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and for nuts- almonds, walnuts and pistachios can all help bring a glow to the skin.

5.       Seafood
Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, seafood will leave your skin, looking smooth, clear and glowing whilst reducing dryness. In general we all know that fish or fish oils is good for our overall health, but in fact can also work wonders on the skin as well. Crabs, shrimps, salmon and tuna are all types of sea foods take can easily be added to any diet.