Monday 23 July 2012

Five Family Fun Summer Activities

Schools Out! Happy Days!! Kids can stroll out of their beds in their own time, no rush and brawling over the toilet, breakfast can be served without hassle and the mornings will finally feel like heaven again. If only!!

Although summer seems like an early Christmas for the kids, parents are left to struggle with an extra 6 hours of nagging, tantrums and cries of boredom. Keeping the children entertained with fun family activities this summer can do wonders & many don’t cost a fortune.

1.    Kite Competition
Summer time is the best time (in fact the only time) when the kites are ready to come out. Have a ball and fly those kites. Encouraging the kids to make or personalize their own kites is not only a fun crafting task but allows the kids to put their overactive imagination to work. Add some fun by competing –who can fly their kite the highest?

2.    Pack a Picnic
A summer isn’t quite complete without a trip to the Park with a picnic hamper full of great summer snacks. We all know that the thrill of preparing for a holiday is far more exciting than the holiday itself, similarly packing for a picnic and deciding what foods to cram in a picnic basket is all part of the experience - so get the kids involved. Urge the children to help prepare their own sandwiches with the filling of their choice.

3.    Summer Sports
Get active. Summer is a great time to try out new outdoor sports (think about the post baby fat you can lose in the process) whilst spending a joyful time with the whole family. Light friendly sports such as basketball and football are the perfect activities to keep the kids occupied.

4.    Cool Chores
Sometimes children can get in the way of household chores. Getting the children to take part is a playful way to get the job done whilst keeping an eye on them. Car washes, gardening and baking are great chores to get the whole family involved in.

5.    Traditional Treats
Old is gold. Go all traditional this summer and bring out those games and toys that were equivalent to game consoles in our times. Search out the bats & balls, hulla hoops, frisbees , swing balls and skipping ropes - a fun way to train kids to appreciate the simple things in life.

... but before you head outside, go to our new website at and enter our competition to win 3 cans of the sun mousse®!

Wednesday 18 July 2012

PRESS RELEASE: Titanium Dioxide Sunscreens - A potential health risk and now more expensive

Enjoying the sun has become more expensive than ever as the cost of Titanium Dioxide– a popular UV blocker- heavily increases the prices of sunscreens by as much as 30%.

The Daily Mail* announced yesterday, the dramatic boost of the price of sunscreens is  due to take place in the upcoming weeks. An unfortunate rise in the cost of Titanium Dioxide,   a popular active ingredient used widely in sunscreens has now forced the prices of sun protection to increase unexpectedly.

Over the past years  it has been argued that sunscreens have always been expensive and now with production costs going up, many sunscreen brands look set to pass this cost increase on to the consumer -so it’s thought.

What many sunscreen users until recently were unaware of, was the threat of Titanium Dioxide potentially causing skin cancer– and now with the increase in prices of sunscreens containing Titanium Dioxide, it is time for consumers to opt in for a sunscreen that is Titanium Dioxide free– hence a better value sunscreen.

Unlike many other sunscreens the sun mousse® is specially formulated to help protect the skin from damaging UVA and UVB rays, without the use of Titanium Dioxide. Popular with major health and beauty retailer Boots, the sun mousse® has fast established itself in the sunscreen market after record breaking sales last year. Now with further concerns of the increased price of Titanium Dioxide and possibly being a significant threat to the skin– the sun mousse® is sure to remain the popular choice for the whole family!

With its distinctive formulation, the sun mousse®  is designed to provide protection that is:
· Non-sticky
· Suitable for all skin types
· Rapidly Absorbed
· Titanium Dioxide free!

the sun mousse® has been designed with your skin in mind.
 Have more fun in the sun – with the sun mousse®


For more information, images and samples contact Saher Dogar:
P:01869 342154

Tuesday 10 July 2012

A New Chapter for the sun mousse®

A New Chapter for the sun mousse®

Welcome to our new website!!

I’m sure for those who are great fans of the sun mousse® are questioning “why the new site?” The truth is we love to give our customers something more than just our products and of course, the fact that the old site may have started to look slightly dated- there we go, I said it.

Besides the two obvious explanations- great reasoning and careful planning has been undertaken to provide you - our customers- with the best from the sun mousse®.

Looking Beyond the Products

What do you look for when you visit a website? For years, company websites have been designed to sell products direct to the customer, so we asked ourselves- where’s the fun in that? Producing a website with quizzes for kid’s, health /beauty blogs, interesting facts and the chance to win free goodies, is far more pleasurable than one with the typical product transactions and company information- Wouldn’t you agree?

We at the sun mousse® adore interacting with our customers and in return wish to provide a great experience of the sun mousse® brand as opposed to a simple product- although by far a product with many benefits- she adds!!

“The website is less about the sun mousse®, but far more about the fun it enables the whole family to have.”

Linking Performance to Quality

Let’s face it - as soon as we get a new outfit we feel the need to complete the look with a new pair of shoes or a fresh haircut. It’s only normal to have the full package. Product branding is not far from similar - Due to the increased sales performance of the sun mousse® in the past years and the great quality of the product, it only makes sense to splash out - as anyone would do - and to transfer the quality of the product through a better and improved website.

Developing a sunscreen in a mousse formulation, we were able to represent the fun, in protecting the skin from the sun. Now we hope to continue to portray this image through our website, by educating kids through entertainment and sharing health/beauty tips for all.

Boring Information

More to the point the reasons for creating a new website was to help solve technical problems which we felt could affect online sales of the sun mousse®. Resolving issues such as:
·         Layout supporting desktop, tablet and mobile.
·         Navigation across the site.

Let the Fun Begin!!

It takes two to have fun, which is why your participation is vital. Let us know what you think of the new website. Feedback is really important in any relationship and  our customers are important to us. Now it is live we welcome your suggestions, good or bad! It will help us inform the decisions we make about how best to fine-tune the new-look.