Wednesday 18 July 2012

PRESS RELEASE: Titanium Dioxide Sunscreens - A potential health risk and now more expensive

Enjoying the sun has become more expensive than ever as the cost of Titanium Dioxide– a popular UV blocker- heavily increases the prices of sunscreens by as much as 30%.

The Daily Mail* announced yesterday, the dramatic boost of the price of sunscreens is  due to take place in the upcoming weeks. An unfortunate rise in the cost of Titanium Dioxide,   a popular active ingredient used widely in sunscreens has now forced the prices of sun protection to increase unexpectedly.

Over the past years  it has been argued that sunscreens have always been expensive and now with production costs going up, many sunscreen brands look set to pass this cost increase on to the consumer -so it’s thought.

What many sunscreen users until recently were unaware of, was the threat of Titanium Dioxide potentially causing skin cancer– and now with the increase in prices of sunscreens containing Titanium Dioxide, it is time for consumers to opt in for a sunscreen that is Titanium Dioxide free– hence a better value sunscreen.

Unlike many other sunscreens the sun mousse® is specially formulated to help protect the skin from damaging UVA and UVB rays, without the use of Titanium Dioxide. Popular with major health and beauty retailer Boots, the sun mousse® has fast established itself in the sunscreen market after record breaking sales last year. Now with further concerns of the increased price of Titanium Dioxide and possibly being a significant threat to the skin– the sun mousse® is sure to remain the popular choice for the whole family!

With its distinctive formulation, the sun mousse®  is designed to provide protection that is:
· Non-sticky
· Suitable for all skin types
· Rapidly Absorbed
· Titanium Dioxide free!

the sun mousse® has been designed with your skin in mind.
 Have more fun in the sun – with the sun mousse®


For more information, images and samples contact Saher Dogar:
P:01869 342154

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